You or a loved one may not have to go to jail for DUI.
Even when the judge does impose jail time for a DUI (especially with a 2nd DUI or 3rd DUI), it’s often possible to get a jail alternative. These are alternate punishments that allow you to serve the jail time without actually spending time in a county jail.
Such alternatives may include:
- Cal-Trans roadside work;
- community service;
- electronic monitoring or house arrest;
- residence in a sober-living environment; or
- incarceration in a private facility.
Many DUI defense attorneys may not even know about the jail alternatives in California DUI cases. Or they may not know the most effective ways to obtain them through negotiation or argument. That’s why if you’re facing potential jail time, you want to be sure to get a savvy and knowledgable defense lawyer who knows how to keep you out of county custody.